The Inventors
“There is always more than
one right answer”

Inventors' Creativity Profile
Problem-solver type: Creator
Super-power: The ability to see opportunities and potential in everything
Power state: (θ) Theta state (Deeply relaxed – inward focus – drowsiness)
Brain power: Emotional reasoning
Special ability: To connect unrelated ideas and create new concepts
Secret weapon: Brainstorming
Weaknesses: Analysis paralysis (overthinking & Perfectionism)
Needs to improve: Consistency and focus
Nature: Spontaneous and chaotic
Purpose: Originality

Common Preferences
Work style: Solo-player
Thinking Style: Idealistic
Innovation style: Radical
Learning style: Kinesthetic
- Charismatic
- Observer
The Good Stuff
- Self-starters
- Great motivators
- Authentic
- Visionaries
The Bad Stuff (not that bad)
- Struggle to simplify things
- Too hard on themselves
- Usually speak too much
- Tend to be perfectionist
Exploring the Inventor's mind
Inventors are Creators
Inventors are very imaginative and are always looking for unconventional ways to solve problems. They like to create things first, and then try to make sense of them in the scenario (sometimes they create the scenario). In other words, Inventors are better at visualizing solutions than detecting problems.
Creative Nature - What triggers their creative thoughts
Inventors are, as their name suggests, inventive. This means that they are constantly looking for a way to express their ideas, whether they are shared with someone right away or put on a piece of paper for future opportunities.
Their ideas are originated from their emotions regarding their experiences. This characteristic is perceived in their empathetic approach. Inventors like to understand what it feels like to be on the other side.
Although they are fast thinkers, they are not usually fast processors, which means that they can generate 30 ideas at the same time, but they take a while to connect and make sense of them. This is why their best ideas don’t usually come up when they are concentrated in a task. Instead, when they start to feel more relaxed or focused, their mind starts processing old information in the background and, all of a sudden, they finally come up with a solution for something they discussed 12 hours ago or maybe 2 days ago.
To better understand how their creativity works, give them a challenging problem to solve and, after a couple of hours, give them a pleasant, simple, and not related repetitive task to perform. When they get used to the repetition, their brain will work at its best performance. As you can see, don’t try to force a solution right away with inventors, otherwise you will elevate their stress level.
Timing - Their approach and perception about time
Inventors are very energetic personalities who are constantly coming up with new ideas. This trait makes them very anxious and impatient over the time. One of the best ways for them to control or mitigate their impulses is through a hobby or another unrelated activity. They normally struggle with time management, especially because of their dynamicity.
– Their Usual Approach: Inventors are better off brainstorming and focusing on the initial steps of a project or endeavor. Their energy is contagious and it definitely contributes to short-term projects. They can be very distractive, though. They prefer short-term activities to ensure they can remain focused enough time to finish the tasks before jumping to another one.
– Most Common Concerns: By being active minds, the inventors are naturally more concerned about the future than about the present moment, which makes them more comfortable to wonder about the numerous possibilities they can create over time.
Inventors are dreamers, and it is really hard to build your dream in your mind and also take action to implement it in a month. Don’t you agree? So, they are not big fans of short-term goals and definitely not fond of making quick and urgent decisions.
Reasoning - How they develop new ideas
When it comes to reasoning, inventors are great at improvising and coming up with innovative solutions. However, they are slow reasoners, which means that they need a long time to make sense of their main ideas.
Imagine that you are about to update 20 applications on your smartphone. Let’s consider the smartphone as the inventor’s mind and the applications as the ideas ok?
The inventors would normally click to update all the 20 applications, at the same time, and try to manage them as they are completed without obeying a specific order or sequence. You can imagine that it might take a while to finish the updates, that some applications are faster to process than others, and also that some will ask for an action after completed.
The inventors’ mind is just like this. – they think of everything at the same time and spend a considerable amount of mental energy to connect the dots while trying to figure out which one to focus. This is why they often need visual reminders to keep track of their thoughts and ideas.
Understanding - How they process new information
Inventors are great at seeing the good side in the odds, and they usually thrive in solving unusual problems. However, they also take time to understand new information.
Considering their way of thinking, more than often, they will choose the opposite of what the majority chooses. Now, what does that tell us about their way of learning? Well, they want to understand the two sides of everything so they can:
– Adapt to both sides and be perceived as an asset
– Be ready to deal with problems from both spectrums
– Protect themselves with arguments and/or ideas
Inventors tend to be kinesthetic learners due to the huge amount of energy they spend on brainstorming ideas all the time. This characteristic makes them very impulsive and impatient, which creates in them an unquenchable desire to learn something new as often as possible. Consequently, as they tend to be very distractive individuals, they end up preferring short-term projects.
Expression - How they express and explain their thoughts
The inventors enjoy being recognized by their innovative approach, so they focus on being original and unique; therefore, it will be easier for others to recognize their originality. Just to clarify, this doesn’t mean that they necessarily like to be the center of attention. It means that they feel powerful when their innovations are used and appreciated by others, whether in private or in public.
Verbally, inventors like to sound knowledgeable, and they like to adopt a neutral position by expressing their opinion considering two opposite points of view. They also like to make sure the listener understands the message; therefore, they tend to adopt an holistic approach by explaining the big picture first. In a funny way, they are basically the cartoon evil boss who captures the hero and explains all the steps of his evil plan (before even executing it).
Creative confidence - How they deal with change
Inventors are very fast thinkers, so it is expected that they enjoy change. Together with change, it comes the risk, and there is nothing that excites them more than a new challenge, a new discovery, or a new short-term task.
Interests - How they perceive opportunities
Inventors are visionaries, so they thrive to foresee trends and opportunities wherever they are. As change champions, they are ok with taking some risk if that action will lead them to a new scenario where they can implement their ideas.
As they are always coming up with new ideas, most of them are more likely to be optimistic. In other words, problems tend to be seen by them as opportunities; moreover, negative results are usually ignored and the positive experience from that failure is considered instead.
Finally, when inventors are ok with failure, they tend to be early adopters when new trends or products are introduced to the market/ world. Simply put, inventors don’t need a lot of certainty to take action, and they prefer to be a reference than to follow the masses; therefore, to them, being the pioneers is one of the best ways to achieve such authority and recognition.
The content you have read here is a summary of the results collected from hundreds of surveys, but it might not be 100% accurate because everyone is unique in their own ways, and we understand that. We are influenced by many sources, such as our own personality, our environment, our work and profession, our parents’ personalities, our education background, conditions, culture, etc. In other words, inventors will have many traits in common around the world, but there will always be some characteristics that will differ according to their background.
Regardless of how many sources of influence we have throughout our life, there are certain mental and physical patterns we end up developing to facilitate our actions and reactions. Our research focuses on the patters of your brain activity when you are using your creativity, whether it is for creating something new, coming up with a solution, for leisure, or even for learning purposes.
Our goal is to map your way of thinking and show you how you can be more productive using your own creative characteristics. You don’t need to change “everything” to be creative and productive. There is a path for every approach, and we are here to help you achieve high performance by:
– optimizing the good points of your creative style
– developing the points you need to improve according to your profile.
Stay tuned for our updates every first day of the month. Soon, our digital products will be available here with tools and approaches for Inventors to achieve high performance. In the meantime, join our community and connect with other inventors who think just like you.
You live in a world of infinite possibilities, preferring to see things not as they are but as they could be. You know that life is limited only by the boundaries of your own beliefs, and you’re driven to push the limits of, well, everything.
Emotional, passion-driven, and full of ideas, the VISIONARY combines a vivid imagination with a desire for practical solutions. Your introspective and intuitive nature is balanced by a keen interest in the world around you and a desire to contribute to society.
Charismatic and expressive, you love sharing your ideas and visions with others and creating community around shared values and ideals. Your greatest gift? The ability to see the spark of potential in everything and everyone, and to inspire others to see it, too. You’re able to guide people toward an invisible horizon with a rare generosity of spirit and strength of conviction.
Don’t get stuck in the dreaming stage, VISIONARY. Your greatest challenge—and true power—lies in learning to take consistent daily action to create the future you envision.
Seek out the “voice of reason” of the THINKER type to help you take a grounded, rational approach to your creative work. The THINKER’s deep perception and probing intellect lend a powerful clarity that can bring your visions into sharper focus.

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