Less than 5 minutes to complete
Answer the first optionthat comes to your mind
Answer the options that are most likely to be true
Your name (*) Your e-mail (*) Gender MaleFemaleOther Age Group 18 or less19 - 2425 - 3435 - 4445+
* Required field.
You see yourself as a highly creative person Agree agree 21-1-2 disagree Disagree
You prefer to improvise instead of planning the steps beforehand Agree agree 21-1-2 disagree Disagree
You are constantly questioning rules and procedures Agree agree 21-1-2 disagree Disagree
Everything is connected Agree agree 21-1-2 disagree Disagree
Your dreams are usually fantastical or weird Agree agree 21-1-2 disagree Disagree
You feel that you are constantly brainstorming Agree agree 21-1-2 disagree Disagree
Deep inside, your answer to almost every question is: “Depends” Agree agree 21-1-2 disagree Disagree
To you, explaining what is obvious is a waste of time Agree agree -2-112 disagree Disagree
Your creativity is more chaotic than methodical Agree agree 21-1-2 disagree Disagree
You prefer to start a new project rather than keep working on one for a long time Agree agree 21-1-2 disagree Disagree
Your friends would say you are a Down-to-earth thinker Agree agree -2-112 disagree Disagree
You have many to-do lists Agree agree -2-112 disagree Disagree
You laugh at nonsense jokes with ease Agree agree 21-1-2 disagree Disagree
You often start other tasks before finishing what you are doing Agree agree 21-1-2 disagree Disagree
When you disagree with someone, you challenge them to prove their point Agree agree -2-112 disagree Disagree /
You would rather be more productive than having to share your tasks with others Agree agree -2-112 disagree Disagree
Your greatest ideas are usually not related to what you are doing at that moment Agree agree 21-1-2 disagree Disagree
It is common for you to lose track of your thoughts when talking Agree agree 21-1-2 disagree Disagree
You generally rely more on your experience than on your imagination Agree agree -2-112 disagree Disagree
People who know you would say you are a perfectionist Agree agree -2-112 disagree Disagree
You feel that you need to be focused to come up with great ideas Agree agree -2-112 disagree Disagree
Your computer screen has many files and pages opened simultaneously Agree agree 21-1-2 disagree Disagree
Exploring alternative ideas and methods appeals to you Agree agree 21-1-2 disagree Disagree
You tend to explain your ideas and tell stories in detail to others Agree agree -2-112 disagree Disagree
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